It has been a great thrill for me and very humbling to receive so much positive listener feedback. I wanted to share with you what some people are saying about Old Dog New Tricks.
The comments in this post are from the old site. They came to me the form of e-mails. Now, if you would like to add your comments, you can do so at the end of this post. I’d love to hear from you!
To all of you who have taken the time to write me, thank you! To be mentioned in the same sentence as some of the players you reference is a huge honor for me and again .. very humbling!
Listener Feedback
Hi Gil,
I’m finally listening to “Old Dog” and enjoying the natural, relaxed moods, almost like being at a live session. It feels like a quartet of old friends who are also recording professionals. You seem to squeeze every possible tasty jazz tone out of your guitar. I hear the picked harmonics, the expressive woody jazz lead, the MIDI’d unison line, and the subtle, tube like attack.
I like the ascending progression of the first song, major against minor, with a simple chromatic theme to tack it all together. I seem to be hearing “South Seas” harmonies on songs 3, 5 and 7, and might have been tempted to name the album “Islands”. Makes me want to take a vacation.
Wishing you much success with this album.
Emmett Chapman
Hi Gil,
Just thought I would drop you an email to say the music is beautiful and very inspiring, as are your words on the inlay and your website. I can also be a bit of a perfectionist at times and, as a result, never record any of my creative output and many of my ideas become lost over time. This is something that I aim to change in the future and it is music like yours that helps to ease the stresses of everyday life and allows me to become more focused on my own creative nature.
Gareth (Snake Eyez)
“From Night Walk to SensCZ, this CD is a sheer pleasure to listen to. Song For Carlos effortlessly captures the essence of Carlos Santana. On the Deck brings the feel of 70’s smooth rock intermixed with a velvet jazz touch. Kamba could have been written by Pat Metheny himself. Hamnjam conjures to mind good times with good friends, good drinks with good food. Which Root is Witch is a personal favorite of mine. Gil’s guitar virtuosity accompanied with the feel of Bruce’s gentle touch on the bass is perfect for a night of romantic lovemaking by firelight. Like the musicians themselves, there’s not a song on this CD that doesn’t shine.” … Michael Robbins
This CD is nothing short of fantastic. If you love smooth, tight refreshing jazz guitar with a Larry Coryell, Rippingtons, Lee Ritenour feel then this is the CD for you. It’s wonderful rhythms, solid bass work and very accessible melodic structure makes this an instant pleasure and easy to get used to. None of that acquired taste business, this is a smooth and enjoyable listening experience right from the start…for all the Jazz lovers in your life this would make a cool gift. Can’t wait for more from the duo … Chris Holt
This CD has quickly become one of my favorites. It is inspiring, spiritual, relaxing and grounding. When stressed by a hectic day, this music really helps me focus and regain my equilibrium. It is indeed a gift. Thank you Gil and Bruce for sharing your impressive talent!
… J. Richmond
I listened to your CD and it was really great!!! The drive along West Saanich Road never sounded so good! … C.M.
Dale and I listened to it on the way to Duncan and both took delight in listening to world class music made by our mate Gil. Superb effort! The influence of Carlos and Larry Carlton weave their way through most songs but your own flair shines through. I look forward to hearing ‘Next Exit” & “Something to Say”. … Michael Sly
I got your new CD a couple of days ago and haven’t stopped listening to it since. It sounds great. Nice songs, great guitar playing. You must be very proud … Jim Shuttleworth
My friend I received ODNT this morning in the post. I have to say the mixing , mastering and general Gazoo’ness of the whole thing is bloody fantastic. … P.A.
(Note to readers .. my nick name is Gazoo .. just to clarify the Gazoo’ness line above!)
I have been listening to ODNT steady for the last two days. Love it, sounds great, it’s nice to have on at work also. A nice smooth flow to the album which showcases a lot of your influences. As I am listening I hear sounds and ambiences that have a warm familiarity that is really comforting. I think some of this also comes from listening to you play for so many years. … Peter Male
Amazing playing. We’ll hang onto the CD and try to play something starting Monday … Jeff Weaver CBC
I absolutely love it. It’s been in my car CD player since I received it which has helped since I’ve been living in my car (due to the move) for the last couple of weeks. Anyway, it’s FANTASTIC! I love the way it came out. Each song is a wonderful tribute to all the people you had in mind, and if you didn’t know the individuals, you would after hearing the music … K.M.
Just a quick note to let you know the CD arrived on Friday. Lovely, easy listening, thank you!!!!!!! … M.P.
ODNT is what I expected and more. The flow feels like a visit with an old friend. A masterpiece! … Marty Young
The CD showed up in the mail just now from IndiePool! … and it is incredible, Gil! What a great sound … Eric Anderson
We received it a couple of weeks ago and we LOVE IT! I’ve played it here at the computer while I’ve been going ‘demon state’ on my upcoming seminar. It’s fantastic! It’s like ‘happy music’ you know? The kind where you just ‘feel good’ (and you don’t know why) while it’s playing 😉 … Aileen Donovan
I received a kick-ass CD of his latest music. Way to go Gil…an amazing work. Nice loungy, easy listening jazz for those cooking on a wine-buzz, or entertaining guests with a fine meal, on the patio at sunset, or in a hot tub, (but only after that meal has settled first!)… Bill Wrigley
I received your CD in the mail. Thanks very much. Had to listen to it right away. Listening right now as I type this. I especially like songs 2,4,6,8 although I must say that I am truly impressed with the whole CD. My wife wants to take the CD to the spa where she works…. so you have fans here on the east coast. … A/K.M.
Listening to ODNT Gil –
Amazing work! I can hear all of the influences, even to Frank Zappa and Carlos Santana! Nah – no way you need to be playing top 40 covers! This is great stuff, and it’s hard to pick out which song is my favorite. But they all put me in an upbeat, positive mood! I’ve played guitar some – enough to know how tough it is to get the clarity you bring to your notes. I could barely get the chords together for John Denver’s Country Roads, much less play a jazz lead. Yet it has only enhanced my ability to hear when someone is doing really precise, crafted work on the guitar!
Great job!
Hi Dan,
Thanks so much! I am thrilled you are enjoying it 🙂
You are also the very first commenter at this site!
Thanks for that too!
My dear brother,
I have just finished exploring your new site 🙂 How incredibly privileged I am to have a brother such as you !
Ever caring of everything and everyone, so in tune with yourself and in harmony with your value!
So supportive and empowering to those around you ! So willing to share, so willing to dare!
My personal favorite is “Hang on”… Your songs and your voice little brother 🙂 just like your music, need to be heard !!! SOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo when ?
With love
Hi sis!
Thanks for your words of encouragement. I just do the best I can 🙂
One day you will hear more vocal pieces for sure. Hopefully sooner than later!
Love youuuu
Bro Gil
The soul-changing auditory bliss emanating from the guitars on this album is surpassed only by the enchanting appearance of the bass-player. He is obviously very good with his hands.
Old Dog New Tricks from first listen has become one of my favorite CD plays. I’ve know Gil for many years and know how talented his playing is and I’m so happy to see him sharing it with as many people as possible. I considered this a must have for any fine music collection.
Gil you are truly the best!!
Hi Kathleen,
You are too kind! Thank you. I am so pleased your enjoy it. Feel free to nag me about getting my act together to record the next one!
Cool and funky. I could listen to this for hours!
Thanks George 🙂 And I love your writing!
Gil, a buddy gave me the CD, Old Dog New Tricks, a few years ago for my trip home. Simply a great CD! On Song for Carlos you can feel Carlos sharing the strings and chords while you play Gil. A true treasure! Thanks for the music for the “Muse”!
Thanks Richard!
I appreciate your kind words and am thrilled you like the CD 🙂
And thanks to whoever gave you the CD. My guess is it was Dale 😉
Yes it was Dale. He had found me a great little BMW in Victoria. Your great music provided the sound track for a beautiful summer drive through the Okanagon wine country. I think I’ll go pour a nice glass of wine, pick up a book and put the cd on. Cheers!
Ahhh Mr. BMW is at it again! What a guy!
Enjoy your wine Richard!
Gil; thanks for the beautiful sounds! I lived the dream of sitting in front of Mr. Santana while he took on his journeys, and your sounds immeditely took me back, waaay back! Fantastic!
Hi Steve,
Thank you for leaving your kind thoughts! I really appreciate them!
Not Mine sounds great man, pentatonic like you said and it sounds awesome. I’ve just begun learning the guitar and got my first recently, an Epiphone les Paul. Getting pure nickel strings here soon. And the first thing I’ve started on is the minor pentatonic scales because I love the way they sound. I’ve concentrated more on this than learning my basic chords first, which may be the wrong way to go about it. But I’m still learning , and as I learn different scales, and bend the strings when I’m supposed to, it all starts to come together. Sounds great and thanks for the great music. By the way, my guitar idols would be Stevie Ray Vaughn, Clapton , Jonny Lang ,Buddy Guy, BB King. Probably none more than SRV. Just felt like sharing this all, still young and anxious to learn more. Nate
Hi Nathan,
Thanks for your kind words!
Your idols are all GREAT players. Suggest you add Larry Carlton and Pat Metheny as 2 players you really need to listen to. Both superb players, both respected by your idols 🙂